“This Deer Burger Cook was another one truly from our field to our table, with a stop at the Yoder along the way! This deer was harvested approximately 50 yards from where our Yoder Smokers Durango sits! VERY COOL! We are the only one’s who ever handled this delish meat from field to plate!” – Guy Fitzgerald
Recipe from @fitzgeraldwayoflife on Instagram
Cooked on the Yoder Smokers Durango
Final Thoughts from Guy: “THIS WAS NUTS! If you are going to do ANY lean wild (or domestic) meat burgers, the key is the right spices, toppings, and wood smoke to compensate for the lack of fat – and it CAN be done Perfectly! I have been cooking wild game over life fire for decades, and THIS is the way I highly recommend to do it – live WOOD fire! The wood fire smoky, cheesy, ‘shroomy, peppery, tuscany spice blendy, oniony flavors combined PERFECTLY with the oh so yummy flavor of that fresh deer meat!! ‘Twas AWESOME!!!!!
Excited to do this again and again! Thanks Yoder for making the most amazing equipment and spices, and for being amazing people behind the product! Happy Holidays & Happy Cooking to All! – Your Friend, Guy”